Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step7-last)


You may find that you have already completed the cube at this stage. If however you have not you will find yourself in the following position 

1. Two or Three of the top center squares are in the correct position 

2. Three of the top center squares are in the wrong position. 

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step6)

When all four top corners are in their correct positions (although colours may not align) proceed to the either or both of the next stages. Now your reference point has changed again. Keep the corner that is correct in it's position as indicated "fixed" as you turn the planes according to the following moves.

This set of moves rotates three of the four corners.

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step5)

The next stage to completing the cube is to get all the top corner squares, matching the corresponding side colours. To do this you must first align one corner only so that it matches it's corresponding side colours (this corner may not match exactly). This corner is then taken as the reference point. If 2 or 3 corners match their corresponding side colours then keep making either of the moves outlined below until only one corner matches. Then follow one of the steps below to get all corners in the right position.

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step4)


Now follow the next set of moves to achieve a cross shape on the top of the cube as indicated below. Keep turning the cube as indicated below until an L shape appears as above. Keeping this L shape in the position above (furthest away from you). In this position you will only need to follow the next set of moves once again to achieve the cross.

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step3)

The next stage is to complete 2 layers of the cube. As above. To achieve this stage you must now turn your cube upside down. The T shape now turned on its head. Again there are two methods of achieving this next stage. You may need to use one or both methods to complete.

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step2)

The next step is to get all the surrounding edge colours the same and for them to match their corresponding center colours. This creates a T shape as indicated below.

There are two solutions to achieve the above stage. Follow the one that applies.

Rubiks Cube or Magic Cube Solution (step1)

The first step to complete the Rubiks Cube.
Complete just one face of the cube. You will at some point encounter one of the following five conditions.
Follow the set of moves that apply. 

TIP: Hold the cube in the same position all the time! (silly, but it's all to easy to change the position of your cube as you start to rotate the different planes).

Three Effective Techniques To Play Sudoku

Many people like to play Sudoku, but almost people don’t know how to play it. Follow these three effective techniques for Sudoku solutions.


The most obvious method involves finding a blank for which only one possible digit remains. For example, the highlighted

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


“Badan yang berotot mampu meningkatkan keyakinan diri anda apabila berhadapan dengan khalayak ramai terutama apabila berhadapan dengan gadis impian anda. Namun usaha anda masih tidak membuahkan hasil. Pelbagai produk menaikkan berat badan sudah diambil, tapi tiada hasil memberangsangkan. Bahkan jika anda mempunyai impian bergelar model dengan rupa paras anda

Siapapun Amat Sukakan Kerja Kerajaan! Kenapa??

Banyak kelebihannya bekerja dengan sektor awam dan saya percaya disebabkan kelebihan-kelebihan inilah mengapa begitu ramai orang memohon jawatan kosong yang diiklankan di sektor awam. Antara kelebihan-kelebihan yang anda dapat sebagai seorang penjawat awam ialah:

1.Elaun perumahan
Ya, anda dapat elaun perumahan pada setiap bulan. Usah risau lagi untuk membayar sewa

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Apakah yang dikatakan Resume Memikat?

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Hormat. 

Boleh dikatakan semua orang mampu menulis resume dengan hanya melihat contoh-contoh resume yang ada di internet mahupun resume kenalan anda. Tetapi tahukah anda dengan hanya menulis resume sahaja tanpa melihat kepada strategi penghasilan resume yang menarik dan memikat, anda mungkin akan mengalami sedikit masalah.